Drink 135: BURN-IT-DOWN


  • 6 fresh blackberries

  • 2 teaspoons local reaper honey

  • 2 dashes bitters

  • 3 oz spiced rum

  • ½ oz high proof rum (I used Cruzan 137 hurricane proof)


  1. Muddle all ingredients except high proof rum

  2. Strain into martini glass

  3. Top with high proof rum

  4. Use a long candle lighter to ignite the rum (have a friend with you to help you light it and keep your hair and face out of the way!)

  5. Turn down the lights to watch it burn!

  6. Burn it down…not literally, just figuratively, and let your friends help you light the flame.

Patrice Anderson

I'm Patrice Anderson, an educator, web head, illustrator, and graphic designer who thrives on process, coffee, and controlled chaos. As the co-host of @thestrangesouthpodcast, I tell strange stories about the South while skillfully blending design, creativity, and technology in my work.


Drink 136: GMGT


Drink 134: Bulliet Spire