Episode 164: Beware the Bear


In this episode…

Marleah, Patrice, and Courtney discuss their favorite frozen drinks, summer plans, and a plethora of bear encounters in Southern Appalachia.

Highlighting the dangers of human-bear interactions, they share stories of recent bear attacks, including a harrowing account of a hiker's close call with a black bear on the Appalachian Trail. The hosts emphasize the importance of proper food storage and safety measures when hiking or camping in bear territory. Additionally, they touch on personal anecdotes, the challenges of wildlife coexisting with human activities, and the community's reaction to these frequent bear sightings.


Patrice Anderson

I'm Patrice Anderson, an educator, web head, illustrator, and graphic designer who thrives on process, coffee, and controlled chaos. As the co-host of @thestrangesouthpodcast, I tell strange stories about the South while skillfully blending design, creativity, and technology in my work.


Episode 163: Carter Vampires Revealed