Episode 21: The Outlaw Mummy Hazel Farris / The Corpse Bride of Carl Tanzler von Cosel

Our first LIVE show recorded at the haunted Peerless Saloon in Anniston, the oldest bar in Alabama!Patrice tells a story of horrible people, bad decisions, travel, poison, death, life after death, karma, and freak shows. Marleah gives us the recipe for resurrection: beeswax, beef broth, and sweet lovin.

The Outlaw Mummy Hazel Farris //

Hazel Farris (c. 1880 – December 20, 1906) was an American woman whose purported mummified remains traveled the American South and were displayed for decades at the Bessemer Hall of History in Bessemer, Alabama as Hazel the Mummy. After appearing in a television documentary, her remains were cremated by her Nashville owners.

The Corpse Bride of Carl Tanzler von Cosel //

In 1930s Key West, Carl Tanzler met the woman he believed he was destined to marry. When she died of tuberculosis – after refusing his proposals time and again – he dedicated the next seven years to resurrecting her, all while living in not-wedded bliss with her decaying corpse. 


  • Ketel One Botanical Cucumber & Mint vodak on the rocks
  • Whiskey Sours


Patrice Anderson

I'm Patrice Anderson, an educator, web head, illustrator, and graphic designer who thrives on process, coffee, and controlled chaos. As the co-host of @thestrangesouthpodcast, I tell strange stories about the South while skillfully blending design, creativity, and technology in my work.


Episode 22: Screw you! Signed, Lavinia Fisher / Beware Evil Anorexic Werewolves with Pointy Objects


Episode 20: The Crossroads & Robert Johnson / The Ghost that Convicted Her Killer