Episode 135: Humanzee


In this episode…

Patrice, Marleah, and Courtney drink the burn-it-down cocktail and talk about the historical and recent human-animal hybrid experiments, notably human-chimpanzee hybrids or "humanzees," and the ethical implications.

From the stories of Saint Peter Damian and Antonio Zucchelli in the 11th century to recent lab experiments, human-animal hybridization has been a topic of intrigue and controversy. On the one hand, it's a scientific quest to understand our genetic similarity with other species, potentially providing new ways to address organ shortage for transplants. On the other hand, it brings up complex ethical and moral issues about the nature of life and our responsibilities towards it.



Patrice Anderson

I'm Patrice Anderson, an educator, web head, illustrator, and graphic designer who thrives on process, coffee, and controlled chaos. As the co-host of @thestrangesouthpodcast, I tell strange stories about the South while skillfully blending design, creativity, and technology in my work.


Episode 136: Mermaids


Episode 134: Cosmetics Abuse